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History of New York City - Wikipedia

The history of New York City (1855-1897) began with the inauguration in 1855 from Fernando Wood as the first mayor of Tammany Hall, an institution that dominated the city during this period. The Reformation led to the New York City Police Riot in June 1857. There was chaos during the American Civil War, with major unrest in the New York Draft Riot. The Gilded Age brought prosperity to the upper classes of the city amid further growth of the poor immigrant working class, as well as the growing consolidation, both economy and city, of what would become the five boroughs in 1898.

Marine vessels and steam railways, developed in previous decades, grew to take over most of long-distance transport, bringing ever-increasing immigration and industrialization flows.

Video History of New York City (1855-97)

Pre-Civil War

Police, gangs and violence

The new Republican party in the late 1850s sought to bypass the power of Mayor Fernando Wood and other pro-South Democrats by abolishing the New York City Police Department and supporting the Metropolitan Police District. The Resistance resulted in the New York City Police riots of 1857. While the police were busy with their feud, the Riots of Unrest between two gangs at Five Points took place in July, which lasted two days, and was stopped only with the intervention of the state militia. It was the worst unrest in New York City up to that time. The historian Tyler Anbinder says the name "Dead Rabbit" captures New York's imagination that the press continues to use it despite the fact that there are no such clubs or gangs. "Andbinder notes that," for over a decade, the 'Dead Rabbit' became the standard phrase used by city dwellers to describe scandalous individuals or groups. "

Historians like Michael Kaplan and Elliott Gorn argue that the identity of highly masculine working class men increases gangs, fights, and even murder and rape, sparked by New York City stores. The emerging male code emphasizes physical courage, defiance of authority, and class pride. Irish and German immigrants bring European influence. Sexual abuse of women increases as women are more visible outside the home, as many work in factories and shops. Women are perceived as obscene objects that are not personified, and gang rape becomes an opportunity for male bonds.

Maps History of New York City (1855-97)

Central Park

As the population grew explosively in Lower Manhattan after 1820, middle-class residents were drawn to some of the open spaces, especially the cemeteries, to stay away from the chaotic noise, smell, and life in the city. The landscape painter Asher B. Durand and writer William Cullen Bryant, recalling their rural education and major parks in Europe, advocated the therapeutic value of nature in a crowded city. Together with architect Andrew Jackson Downing, they imagine a large park. The state government in 1853 provided $ 5 million and a leading domain power to buy landowners from what became Central Park. Egbert L. Viele drew the original plan; Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux made the final design and have received major credit.

Some American influences come together in design. Extensive rural cemeteries, such as Mount Auburn in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, provide examples of beautiful natural scenery. The most influential innovation in the design of Central Park is a double circulation plan for pedestrians, horsemen, and pleasure vehicles. Ferry routes for commercial traffic are hidden in sunken sifted streets with well-planted groves to maintain natural settings. Olmstead, who minimized corruption while he was in charge of building the park, imagined a utopian effort that would bring together the tenants and rich people, the Irish Catholics and the Episcopalian Yankees, all under the supervision of a uniformed park police who would enforce written behavior guidelines. In 1866, there were nearly 8 million visits to the park and only 110 arrests. This is the first major city park in the country; Olmsted teaches Americans new sensitivity in park environments and urban planning as applied science with its radical natural garden design.


Civil War

Before the Civil War, in 1861, Mayor Wood proposed the separation of New York City from the United States as a neutral sovereign state to be called the Tri-Insula as a means of avoiding war damage. Despite strong local Copperhead sympathy, the proposal was not well received.

The city provides a primary source of troops, supplies, equipment, and financing for the Union Armed Forces. Politicians and editors of the powerful New York newspaper helped shape public opinion on the war effort and policies of President Abraham Lincoln. The Port of New York, the main entry point for immigrants, serves as a recruiting ground for the Army. In July 1863, Irish Catholic conspirators began five days of unrest. The "Draft Riot", the worst in American history, targets blacks and wealthy Republicans. It was suppressed by an artillery unit from a grapeshot that fired the United States Army that killed and wounded hundreds of rioters. Meanwhile, the upscale membership of the New York Union League Club recruited over 2,000 black men to the 20th-color American Infantry to help fill the quota and make a major contribution to African American civil rights. The neighboring city of Brooklyn is otherwise more pro war.

In 1865, the Metropolitan Fire District brought together New York and Brooklyn firefighters, and was more successful than the previous Metropolitan Police Districts, which eventually evolved into the New York City Fire Department.

Northern Michigan

Tourism and entertainment

New York is increasingly becoming a national capital for tourism and entertainment. Grand hotel built for upscale visitors. New York's theater district gradually moved north for half a century, from The Bowery to Broadway through Union Square and Madison Square, settling around Times Square in the late 19th century. Edwin Booth and Lillian Russell were among the Broadway stars. Prostitutes serve a wide variety of clients, from sailors to playboy leave.

New York City draft riots - Wikipedia

The Gilded Age

The post-war period was noted for corruption and corruption that Tammany Hall has become a proverbial, but the same for the foundation of New York's leading cultural institutions, the Metropolitan Art Museum, the Metropolitan Opera, and the American Museum of Natural History. The Brooklyn Museum is the main institution of the independent twin cities of New York.

New York newspapers are read across the country, especially, the New York Tribune, edited by Horace Greeley, the new Republican vote.

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The immigration flood from Europe passed first through Castle Clinton (opened 1855) and then through Ellis Island (opened in 1892) in New York Harbor, with the nearby Statue of Liberty opened in 1886. Most new arrivals headed for destinations throughout the north and west, but many make New York City their destination.

European immigration led to further social upheaval, and the old world criminal community quickly exploited the already damaged municipal Tammany Hall municipal machinery policy. Housing, especially at the southern tip of Manhattan, became crowded with newly built tenements and brittle huts in the back. The Italians settled around Mulberry Street between the East Village and Lower Manhattan, in what became known as "Little Italy." Many Yiddish-speaking East-European Jews came to the Lower East Side.

In the Orange Riots of July 1871 and 1872, Irish Catholics sought to stop the Irish Protestants from celebrating the Boyne Battle anniversary. This resulted in more than 33 deaths and many injured. The pioneering photojournalist Jacob Riis documented the plight of tenant immigrant residents in his 1890s How the Other Half Life ; he befriends Republican reformer Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt lost the mayor's race in 1886. The reformers won in 1894, and Roosevelt undertook major reforms at New York City Police in 1895-97 during his tenure as President Commissioner of the Police.

Public health

Epidemics (typhoid, cholera, diphtheria, and tuberculosis) are rampant in the urban slums. Dirt horse covered the streets. In winter, when all the dirt freezes, walking on the sidewalk is a challenge. Dead pigs and other carcasses remain on the road for weeks. In 1894, Colonel George E. Waring, Jr. introducing sanitation reform using the power of large street cleanup.

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Tammany Hall

William Tweed, better known as Boss Tweed, became the sole leader of Tammany Hall in 1867. From April 1870, with the passing of the city charter consolidating power at the hands of his political allies, Tweed and his cronies were able to deceive the city of several tens of millions dollars over the next two years and eight months, most famous for construction bills for luxury courthouse. Democratic reform-oriented reformers, especially Samuel J. Tilden, and aggressive newspaper editors assisted by Thomas Nast's bite cartoons, helped pick opposition candidates in 1871. Tweed was convicted of counterfeiting and theft in 1873. The conquest of Tweed ended immunity corrupt local political leaders and a precursor to the reform of the Progressive Era in the city.

Tammany did not take long to recover from Tweed's fall. The reforms demanded a house cleaning in general, and former county sheriff "Honest John" Kelly was elected as the new leader. Kelly is not involved in the Tweed scandal and is a Catholic religion related to marriage with Archbishop John McCloskey. He cleanses the Tammany of Tweed's people and tightens Grand Sachem's control over the hierarchy. His success in revitalizing the machine was such that in the 1874 election, Tammany's candidate William H. Wickham, overthrowing an unpopular incumbent reformer, William F. Havemeyer, and Democrats generally won their race, giving control of the city back to Tammany Hall.

Theodore Roosevelt, before he became president in 1901, was deeply involved in New York City politics. He explains how machines work:

The party organization in our city is really like a soldier. There is one great central boss, assisted by some reliable and capable lieutenants; this communicates with different district bosses, which they alternately bluff and help. The district boss in turn has a number of half-subordinates, half-allies, underneath; the latter elect the electoral district captain, etc., and come into contact with a common physician.
Multicenter Prospective Observational Study on Acute and Chronic ...


In 1874, nearly 61% of all US exports passed through the port of New York. In 1884, nearly 70% of US imports came through New York. The increase in ports in the Gulf of Mexico and on the Pacific coast reduced the share of New York's imports and exports to about 47% in 1910. Municipal banking resources grew 250% between 1888 and 1908, compared with a 26% national increase.. Between 1860 and 1907, the assessed value of land and buildings in Manhattan rose from $ 1.7 billion to $ 6.7 billion.

The city and its suburbs, especially Brooklyn and Long Island City, also became important in the light industry. Its factories dominate the garment industry and some of the high-tech industries of the second industrial revolution such as sewing machines and pianos. It is an important center for other hi-tech goods such as hard rubber products and electronic goods. Oil and chemical jobs have sprung up along Newtown Creek, Bayonne, New Jersey, and other industrial estates.

Department store

In modern big cities, department stores made a dramatic appearance in the mid-19th century and changed the habit of shopping permanently and the definition of service and luxury. Similar developments are under way in Paris and London. New York became a regional and national destination for high-end buyers, thanks to the development of its modern department store. London and Paris developed department stores around the same time, and leaders quickly adopted innovation. In 1846, Alexander Turney Stewart founded the "Marble Palace" on Broadway, between Chambers and Reade Streets. He offers upscale retail merchandise at a fixed price. Though clad in white marble to look like a Renaissance palazzo, the cast iron construction of the building has large glass windows that allow major seasonal exhibitions, especially in the Christmas shopping season. More and more, customers are women from rich or middle-class families.

In 1862, Stewart built a new store in a city block of eight floors and nineteen departments of clothing and furniture, carpets, glass and porcelain, toys and sports equipment, revolving around a glass-covered court. Innovations include buying from producers for cash and in bulk, keeping their markup small and low priced, honest merchandise presentation, one price policy (so no bargain), simple merchandise return and cash refund policy, sales for cash and not credit, buyers looking for quality goods around the world, departmental, vertical and horizontal integration, volume sales, and free services for customers like free waiting rooms and free shipping. Innovation is quickly copied by other department stores.

In 1858, Rowland Hussey Macy founded Macy's as a dry goods store. Benjamin Altman and Lord & amp; Taylor soon competed with Stewart as the earliest department store in New York.

In the 1880s, the New York retail center had moved to the city center, forming a retail expanse of "Marble Palace" called "Ladies' Mile". In 1894 big shops competed in the Christmas season with an intricate Christmas window look; in 1895 Macy's featured 13 tableaux, including scenes from Jack and the Beanstalk, Gulliver's Travels and other children's favorites.

Department stores are very important for women; in middle-class families, women take control of purchases, and department stores cater to their tastes. In addition, ambitious young women from the middle class who desire careers are welcomed in the clergy, where they develop social skills to work with their top class customers.

New York City draft riots - Wikiwand

Skyscrapers and apartment buildings

The new invention facilitated the rise of skyscrapers in the 1880s - it was a typical American style that was not widely copied all over the world until the end of the 20th century. Construction requires several major innovations, including elevators and structural steel. The steel frame, developed in the 1880s, replaced heavy brick walls that were limited to 15 or higher. Skyscrapers also require intricate internal structures to solve ventilation problems, steam heat, gas lighting (and then electricity), and plumbing.

Urban housing involves a wide variety of styles, but most of the attention is focused on tenements for the working class and apartment buildings for the middle class. The apartment building came first, because middle-class professionals, businessmen, and white-collar workers realized they were unnecessary and could barely afford a single-family home in high-cost real estate districts in the city. The hostel is not suitable for families; suite hotel is too expensive. In a remote neighborhood there are many apartments above shops and shops, usually occupied by small local business owners. Residents of the apartments pay rent and do not have their apartments until the emergence of cooperatives in the 20th century. Turnover is very high, and there is rarely a sense of community community.

Starting with the luxurious Stuyvesant Apartment that opened in 1869, and even more luxuriously The Dakota in 1884, the wealthy tenants hired full-time staff to handle maintenance and maintenance, as well as security.

Non-luxury middle-class apartment buildings provide gas lighting, elevators, plumbing, central heating, and ready-to-call maintenance personnel. The apartment buildings are built along the streets of the street railways as middle-class tenants ride the tram to work, while the working class keeps nickel every way and walks.

The working class packed the tenements, with much less facilities and facilities. Novelist Stephen Crane at Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (1893) writes about an Irish tenement environment characterized by poverty and violence:

Finally they entered a dark area where, from a caring building, a dozen horrible doors handed many babies to the streets and gullies. The early autumn wind lifted yellow dust from the rock and twisted it with a hundred windows. Long band of clothes fluttering from the fire. In all the unusual places there are buckets, brooms, wipes, and bottles. On the streets babies play or quarrel with other babies or sit stupidly on the road vehicles. A tough woman, with uncombed hair and irregular clothes, gossiping as she leaned on the fence, or shouted in a fierce argument. People withered, curious inquisitiveness for something, sitting smoking in vague corners. A thousand smells of cooking food popped into the street. The building shuddered and creaked from the burden of humanity in its stomach.

Tenement is cheap and easy to build, and fills almost the lot. There are usually five story lines, with four separate apartments on each floor. There is minimal air circulation and sunlight. Until the reform of 1879, the newly constructed plots had no clean water or indoor toilets. A law in 1901 required the installation of indoor pipes to be installed in older tenement houses. Garbage trash was uncertain until the end of the 19th century. Cheap rental for those who can withstand dust, clutter, smell, and sound; the only cheaper alternative is a dirty basement in old buildings. Most of the tenements survived until the 1950s urban renewal movement.


Nearby Areas

The pre-war steam ferries have made Brooklyn Heights into a bedroom community for prosperous professionals on Wall Street and other urban areas. The elevated railway, operated by the Manhattan Railway Company, and other new public transport expands the New York commuter area, allowing the development of suburbs for the simpler commuters on the Upper West Side and other distant areas. Plans are made for the subway to more remote areas such as Harlem and West Bronx.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the island's bedrock pushed the early skyscrapers whose successors characterized today's sky. The Great Blizzard of 1888 revealed the vulnerability of urban infrastructure connecting the buildings, pushing power lines and underground telephones, and plans made for subway lines.

History of New York City - Wikiwand


In 1855, Brooklyn City annexed Williamsburg and Bushwick, forming the densest third city in America. In 1870, Long Island City was formed in Queens. In 1874, New York City annexed the West Bronx, west of the Bronx River. The Brooklyn Bridge, completed in 1883, symbolizes the heroic creed of generations and attracts two Brooklyn and New York towns inexorably. When Brooklyn annexed the rest of Kings County in the decade from 1886 to 1896, the consolidation problem grew increasingly pressing.

The modern city of Greater New York - five boroughs - was made in 1898, with consolidation of New York cities (later Manhattan and Bronx) and Brooklyn with rural areas in Queens and Staten Island.

What is this? : aviation

See also

  • New York City Timeline, 1850s-1890
  • The New York City Police riots of 1857

Lower Manhattan - Wikipedia



Further reading

Primary source

  • Jackson, Kenneth T. and David S. Dunbar, eds. Empire City: New York Through Centuries (2005), 1015 pages quote excerpt
  • Still, Bayrd, ed. Mirror for Gotham: New York as Seen by Others from Dutch Today to Date (New York University Press, 1956) online edition
  • Stokes, I.N. Phelps. Manhattan Island's iconography, 1498-1909 was compiled from the original source and illustrated by photo-intaglio reproduction from an important map plan view and documents in public and private collections (6 vols, 1915-28). The chronology of Manhattan and New York City is very detailed and very illustrative. see The Iconography of Manhattan Island All volumes are online free at:
    • I.N. Phelps Stokes; Manhattan Island Iconography Vol 1. 1915 v. 1. The period of the invention (1524-1609); Dutch period (1609-1664). English Period (1664-1763). The Period of the Revolution (1763-1783). Adjustment and reconstruction period; New York as the state and federal capital (1783-1811)
    • I.N. Phelps Stokes; Manhattan Island Iconography Vol 2. 1916 v. 2. Cartography: essay on the development of knowledge on the geography of the east coast of North America; Manhattan Island and its surroundings on maps and initial charts/by F.C. Wieder and I.N. Phelps Stokes. Map of Manatus. Castello's plan. The Netherlands Grant. The early New York newspaper (1725-1811). Plan of Manhattan Island in 1908
    • I.N. Phelps Stokes; Manhattan Island Iconography Vol 3. 1918 v. 3. War of 1812 (1812-1815). The period of discovery, prosperity, and progress (1815-1841). Period of industrial development and education (1842-1860). The Civil War (1861-1865); period of political and social development (1865-1876). Modern cities and islands (1876-1909)
    • I.N. Phelps Stokes; Manhattan Island Iconography Vol 4. 1922; v. 4. The period of the invention (565-1626); Dutch period (1626-1664). English Period (1664-1763). The Revolutionary Period, part I (1763-1776)
    • I.N. Phelps Stokes; Iconic Manhattan Island Vol 5. 1926; v. 5. The period of the Revolution, part II (1776-1783). The period of adjustment and reconstruction of New York as the state and federal capital (1783-1811). The War of 1812 (1812-1815) Ã,; period of discovery, prosperity, and progress (1815-1841). Period of industrial development and education (1842-1860). The Civil War (1861-1865) Ã,; Period of political and social development (1865-1876). Modern cities and islands (1876-1909)
    • I.N. Phelps Stokes; Manhattan Island icons Vol. 1928; v. 6. Chronology: addenda. Grants and native agriculture. Bibliography. Index.

Old books

  • JAMES D. MCCABE, JR.: LIGHTS AND SHADOWS FROM NEW YORK LIFE; OR, SITES AND SENSATIONS FROM THE BIG CITY. Blessed with many fine carvings of places, life, and scenes recorded in New York. THE NATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Pa.; CINCINNATI, Ohio; CHICAGO, Ill.; ST. LOUIS, Mo. 1872 - Project Gutenberg e-book

Source of the article : Wikipedia
