Senin, 02 Juli 2018

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Do You Have Symptoms of Mold Exposure? | Healthy Directions

Print health concerns are harmful effects of the fungus.

Molds (US use, English English "mold") are ubiquitous in the biosphere, and mold spores are a common component of household dust and workplace. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in its June 2006 report, 'Prevention and Effects Health Strategy Capable in Hurricanes and Floods,' that 'excessive exposure to fungal-contaminated materials can cause adverse effects on vulnerable health. people regardless of the type of fungus or the level of contamination. "When mushroom spores are present in very high amounts, they can pose very dangerous health risks to humans after prolonged exposure, including allergic reactions or poisoning by mycotoxins, or causing fungal infections (mycosis).

Video Mold health issues

Health effects

Studies have shown that people who are atopic (sensitive), already suffering from allergies, asthma, or impaired immune systems and occupying wet or moldy buildings have an increased risk of health problems such as inflammatory and toxic responses to mold spores, metabolites and others. component. The most common health problem is an allergic reaction. Other problems are respiratory system response and/or immune system including respiratory symptoms, respiratory infections, asthma exacerbations, and hypersensitive pneumonitis, allergic alveolitis, chronic rhinosinusitis, and allergic fungal sinusitis. Severe reactions are rare but possible. One's reaction to the fungus depends on their sensitivity and other health conditions, the number of fungi present, the length of exposure and the type of mold or mold product.

Some fungi also produce mycotoxins which can pose serious health risks to humans and animals. The term "toxic mold" refers to a fungus that produces mycotoxins, such as Stachybotrys chartarum , not for all prints. Exposure to high levels of mycotoxins can cause neurological problems and in some cases death. Old exposures, for example, workplace exposure on a daily basis, can be very dangerous.

The five most common genera of indoor prints are Cladosporium , Penicillium , Aspergillus , Alternaria and Trichoderma .

The wet environment that allows the fungus to grow can also produce bacteria and help release volatile organic compounds.

Symptoms of exposure to fungi

Symptoms of fungal exposure may include:

  • Nose and sinus congestion, colds
  • Respiratory problems, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing, chest tightness
  • Cough
  • Throat irritation
  • Sneeze/Sneeze match

Health effects linking to asthma

Infants may develop respiratory symptoms as a result of exposure to certain fungal mushroom species, called Penicillium. Signs that the baby may have respiratory-related breathing problems include (but are not limited to) persistent coughing and/or wheezing. Increased exposure increases the likelihood of developing respiratory symptoms during the first year of life. Studies have shown that the correlation exists between the possibility of developing asthma and increased exposure Penicillium . Levels are considered 'no prints' to 'low level', from 'low' to 'medium', and from 'medium' to 'high'.

Printed exposure has various health effects depending on the person. Some people are more sensitive to mold than others. Mushroom exposure can cause a number of health problems such as; throat irritation, nasal congestion, eye irritation, coughing and wheezing, as well as skin irritation in some cases. Exposure to fungi may also cause increased sensitivity depending on the timing and nature of the exposure. People at higher risk for fungal allergy are people with chronic lung disease, which will result in a more severe reaction when exposed to fungus.

There is already sufficient evidence that wet indoor environments are correlated with upper respiratory tract symptoms such as cough, and wheezing in asthmatics.

Health Effects Mold Flood Specific

Among children and adolescents, the most common post-flood health effects are lower respiratory tract symptoms although there is a lack of association with the total measurement of the fungus. Other studies have found that respiratory symptoms are positively related to exposure to damaged water at home, including exposure inside without participating in cleaning. Despite the lower respiratory effects among all children, there is a significant difference in health outcomes between children with pre-existing conditions and children without. Children with existing conditions are at greater risk that may be attributed to greater maintenance disruption in the face of floods and natural disasters. The health effects on children and adolescents with chronic risks are also found in increased risk of adverse outcomes after natural disasters including diabetes, asthma, chronic lung disease, allergies, HIV/AIDS, other immune diseases, heart defects, cystic fibrosis, depression, seizure disorders, Sickle Cell disease, kidney failure, and liver failure.

Although mushrooms are the main focus of post-flooding for residents, the effects of moisture alone should also be considered. According to the Institute of Medicine, there is a significant relationship between moisture at home and wheezing, coughing, and upper respiratory symptoms. The analysis then determined that 30% to 50% of asthma-related health outcomes were associated with not only mold, but also moisture in the building. Another health effect associated with moisture and fungi is Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), which is defined by the manifestations of symptomatic disease as a result of poor indoor air quality and pollutant exposure. Signs of building that potentially cause illness include condensation on windows, high humidity in the bathroom, moldy smell, or water leakage.

While there is a proven correlation between fungal exposure and the development of upper and lower respiratory syndromes, there are still fewer negative health effects incidents than expected. Barbeau and colleagues suggest that the study did not show a greater impact of fungal exposure for a number of reasons: 1) the type of health effects are not severe and therefore not caught; 2) those whose flood houses find alternative housing to prevent exposure; 3) independent selection, healthier people participate in the cleaning of fungi and tend not to get sick; 4) time-limited exposures as a result of remediation efforts and; 5) lack of access to post-flood health care can lead to fewer diseases found and reported to their associations with fungi. There are also certain scientific restrictions in studying the effect of exposure to fungi on individuals as there are currently no known biomarkers that can prove that a person has been exposed to fungi. Thus, it is not currently possible to prove the correlation between exposure to fungi and symptoms.

Maps Mold health issues

Print-related conditions

Health problems associated with high levels of air fungal spores include allergic reactions, episodes of asthma, eye irritation, nose and throat, sinus blockages, and other respiratory problems, although it should be noted that fungal spores will not actually cause asthma, there is. For example, residents of homes with fungi are at high risk for respiratory infections and bronchitis. When fungal spores are inhaled by immunocompromised individuals, some fungal spores may begin to grow on living tissue, attaching to cells along the respiratory tract and causing further problems. Generally, when this happens, the disease is epiphenomenon and not a major pathology. Also, the fungus may produce mycotoxins, either before or after exposure to humans, potentially leading to poisoning.

Fungal infections

A serious health threat from exposure of fungi to immune-impaired individuals is systemic fungal infection (systemic mycosis). Individuals immunocompromised are exposed to high levels of fungi, or individuals with chronic exposure may become infected. Sinus and most common gastrointestinal infections; lung and skin infections are also possible. Mycotoxins may or may not be produced by invading molds.

Dermatophytes are parasitic fungi that cause skin infections such as athlete's foot and tinea cruris. Most dermataphyte molds are mold-shaped, compared to yeast, with a look (when cultured) similar to other fungi.

Opportunistic infections by fungi such as Penicillium marneffei and Aspergillus fumigatus are the common causes of illness and death among people with immune system disorders, including people with AIDS or asthma.

Mushroom-induced hypersensitivity

The most common forms of hypersensitivity are caused by direct exposure to inhaled fungal spores that can be dead or live or hypha fragments that can cause allergic asthma or allergic rhinitis. The most common effects are rhinorrhea (cold), watery eyes, cough and asthma attacks. Another form of hypersensitivity is hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Exposure may occur at home, at work or elsewhere. It is estimated that about 5% of people have some respiratory symptoms due to an allergic reaction to the fungus in their life.

Hypersensitivity can also be a reaction to established fungal infections in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.

Mycotoxin Toxicity

The mold releases a toxic compound called mycotoxin, a secondary metabolite produced by the fungus under certain environmental conditions. This environmental condition affects the production of mycotoxins at the transcription level. Temperature, water activity and pH, greatly affect mycotoxin biosynthesis by increasing the rate of transcription in fungal spores. It has also been found that low-level fungicides may increase mycotoxin synthesis. Certain mycotoxins can be harmful or lethal to humans and animals when the exposure is high enough.

Extreme exposure to very high mycotoxin levels can cause neurological problems and in some cases death; fortunately, such exposure rarely never occurs in normal exposure scenarios, even in dwellings with serious printing problems. Older exposures, such as exposure to the workplace every day, can be very dangerous.

Health hazards produced by fungi have been linked to a sick building syndrome, but no valid research is able to show that normal indoor exposure to these common organisms poses a significant threat.

It is thought that all molds may produce mycotoxins and thus all molds may be potentially toxic if a sufficiently large amount is digested, or humans being exposed to extreme amounts of mold. Mycotoxins are not produced all the time, but only under certain growth conditions. Mycotoxins are dangerous or deadly to humans and animals only when exposure is high enough, as with all other substances.

Mycotoxins can be found in mold spores and mold fragments, and therefore they can also be found on the substrate where the mold grows. Entry routes for this humiliation may include consumption, skin exposure and inhalation.

Some mycotoxins cause a highly variable immune response, depending on the individual. The duration of exposure, frequency of exposure and insult concentration (exposure) are elements in triggering an immune system response.

Aflatoxin is an example of mycotoxins. It is a cancer-causing toxin produced by certain fungi in or on food and feed, especially in corn and peanut fields.

Initially, the toxic effects of the fungus are thought to result from exposure to mycotoxins from several fungal species, such as Stachybotrys chartarum . However, research shows that the so-called toxic effects are actually the result of chronic immune system activation, leading to chronic inflammation. Studies show that up to 25% of the population has a genetic ability to experience chronic inflammation to form exposure, but it is not known how many actually experience such symptoms because of frequent misdiagnosis. A 1993-94 case study based on cases of pulmonary haemorrhage in infants in Cleveland, Ohio initially concluded there was a causal relationship between exposure and disease. The researchers reviewed the cases and determined that there was no link to exposure to S. chartrum and infants in their homes.

Ordinary house molds, Trichoderma longibrachiatum, produce small toxic peptides containing amino acids not found in common proteins, such as alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, called trilongins (up to 10% w/w). Their toxicity is due to absorption into cells and the production of nano-channels blocking vital ion channels that carry potassium and sodium ions to membrane cells. This affects in the cell action potential profile, as seen in cardiomyocytes, pneumocytes and neurons that cause damage to conduction. Trilongin is extremely resistant to heat and antimicrobials making primary prevention the only management option.

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Source and prevention of exposure

The main sources of fungus exposure come from indoor air in buildings with substantial mold growth, and from the consumption of food with the growth of fungi.


Prevention of fungal exposure and subsequent health problems begins with the prevention of fungal growth in the first place by avoiding a supportive environment of fungi such as moist air. Extensive flooding and water damage can support the growth of large fungi. After a typhoon, homes with greater flood damage, especially those with an indoor flood of more than 3 feet (0.91 m), indicate a higher growth rate of fungi compared to homes with little or no flooding. The aftermath of a hurricane is the worst scenario, but the concept of water damage that supports mold growth is generally more applicable.

This is useful for assessing the location and level of hazard of the mold in a structure. Various remediation practices can be followed to reduce the problem of mold in the building, the most important is to reduce the level of moisture. Removal of the affected material after the source of moisture has been reduced and/or eliminated may be necessary. Thus, the concept of fungus growth, assessment, and remediation is essential in the prevention of fungal health problems.

A common problem with the fungal dangers in households is the placement of furniture, and the lack of ventilation that causes this to certain parts of the wall. The simplest method to avoid affected fungus in the home is to move the furniture in question.

Incorrect respiratory health effects are associated with occupancy levels in buildings with moisture and mold damage.

Molds may discharge low volatile fluids or gases, but their concentrations are so low that they often can not be detected even with sensitive analytical sampling techniques. Sometimes these byproducts are detected by odors, in this case they are referred to as "ergonomic odors" which means the odor can be detected, but does not show toxicologically significant exposure.


Mushrooms often found in meat and poultry include members of the genus Alternaria , Aspergillus , Botrytis , Cladosporium , Fusarium , Geotrichum , Mortierella , Mucor , Neurospora , Paecilomyces , Penicillium , and Rhizopus . Grain crops in particular cause major losses both in the field and storage due to pathogens, post-harvest decay, and insect damage. A number of common microfungi are important agents of post-harvest decay, especially members of the genus Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium . A number of these produce mycotoxins (soluble and nonvolatile toxins produced by various microphiles showing specific toxic and specific toxic properties in human and animal cells) that can make food unfit for consumption. When ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin, mycotoxins may cause or contribute to the effects of decreased appetite and general malaise to acute illness or death in rare cases. Mycotoxins can also contribute to cancer. Exposure to the mycotoxin aflatoxin B1 diet, commonly produced by the growth of the fungus Aspergillus flavus in improperly stored peanuts in many regions of the developing world, is known independently (and synergistically with the Hepatitis B virus) induces liver cancer. The granules contaminated with mycotoxins and other food products have a significant impact on human and animal health globally. According to the World Health Organization, about 25% of the world's food may be contaminated by mycotoxins.

Prevention of fungal exposure from food is generally to consume foods that have no mushroom growth on it. Also, the growth of fungus in the first place can be prevented with the same concept of growth, assessment, and remediation that prevents air exposure. In addition, it is very useful to clean the inside of the refrigerator, and to ensure napkins, towels, sponges and mop clean.

Ruminants are considered to increase resistance to some mycotoxins, probably because of the ability of microcosins that degrade intestinal microbotes. The journey of mycotoxins through the food chain can also have important consequences on human health. For example, in China in December 2011, high levels of aflatoxin M1 carcinogen in Mengniu brand milk were found to be associated with consumption of fungus contaminated feed by dairy cattle.


More than 47 species have been identified inside the pillow.


Flooding in homes creates a unique opportunity for fungal growth that may be associated with adverse health effects on people affected by fungi, especially children and adolescents. In a study of the health effects of fungal exposure following Hurricane Katrina and Rita, the dominant fungi species were Aspergillus, Penicillum , and Cladosporium with the number of indoor spores ranging from 6,142 - 735,123 spore m -3 . The molds isolated after the floods differ from the previously reported prints for non-damaged houses in the area. Further research found that homes with indoor floods over three feet showed significantly higher mold levels than those with little or no flooding.


Suggested strategies for preventing fungi include: avoiding fungal contamination; utilization of environmental control; use of personal protective equipment (PPE) including skin and eye protection and respiratory protection; and environmental controls such as ventilation and dust suppression. When prints can not be prevented, the CDC recommends cleaning protocols including first taking emergency measures to stop water interference. Secondly, they recommend determining the extent of water damage and fungal contamination. And thirdly, they recommend planning for remediation activities such as building detention and protection for workers and occupants; eliminating water or moisture sources if possible; decontamination or removal of defective material and drying of wet materials; evaluate whether the space has been successfully repaired; and rearrange the space to control the source of moisture.

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In the 1930s, fungi were identified as the cause behind the mysterious deaths of farm animals in Russia and other countries. Stachybotrys chartarum is found growing in wet grain used for animal feed. Illness and death also occur in humans when starving farmers eat large amounts of rotten food and cereals that are overgrown with mushrooms Stachybotrys .

In the 1970s, building construction techniques changed in response to changes in economic realities including the energy crisis. As a result, houses and buildings become more airtight. Also, inexpensive materials such as drywall are beginning to be commonly used. New building materials reduce the drying potential of the structure making the problem more general moisture. The combination of improved moisture and the corresponding substrate contributes to the increase of mold growth in the building.

Currently, the US Food and Drug Administration and the agricultural industry closely monitor the levels of fungi and mycotoxins in grains and groceries to keep the contamination of animal feed and human food supply below a certain level. In 2005, Diamond Pet Foods, a US pet food producer, experienced significant increases in the amount of corn deliveries containing high levels of aflatoxin. The mushroom toxin eventually gets into the pet food supply, and dozens of dogs and cats die before the company is forced to recall the affected product.

How to Get Rid of Mold


In 2002, the US International Trade Commission reported that according to one estimate, US insurance companies paid more than $ 3 billion in print-related lawsuits, more than double the previous year's total. According to the Insurance Information Institute, in 2003 there were more than 10,000 lawsuits related to pending prints in US state courts. Mostly filed in states with high humidity, but clothing is also increasing in other states. In 2004, many print litigation settlements for amounts far exceeded $ 100,000. In 2005, the US International Trade Commission reported that toxic molds showed signs of becoming "new asbestos" in terms of claims paid. In 2012, the main appeals court in Manhattan found a consensus in the scientific literature for a causal relationship between the presence of fungi and the resulting disease.

In 1999, a woman in Austin, Texas, got $ 32 million when she sued the insurance firm for mold damage in her 22-room home.

In 2001, the jury awarded their spouses and their eight-year-old son $ 2.7 million, plus attorneys' fees and expenses, in a personal suit related to poison prints against owners and managers of their apartment in Sacramento, California.

In 2003, The Co-Hosted The Tonight Show co-hosted Ed McMahon received $ 7.2 million from insurance companies and others to settle his lawsuit stating that the poisonous mushroom in his Beverly Hills home made him and his wife sick and killed the dog they. In the same year environmental activist Erin Brockovich received a $ 430,000 settlement from two parties and an undisclosed amount from a third party to settle his lawsuit accused a poisonous mushroom at his home in Agoura Hills, California.

In 2006, a family of Manhattan Beach, California received a $ 22.6 million settlement in the case of toxic molds. The family has confirmed that the moldy wood has caused severe medical problems to their child. That same year, Hilton Hotel received $ 25 million in settlement of its lawsuit over the growth of mushrooms at the Kalia Hilton Hawaiian Village Tower.

In 2010, the jury awarded $ 1.2 million in a lawsuit against a landlord for neglecting repair of a mushroom-infested house in Laguna Beach, California. The lawsuit confirmed that a child at home suffered severe respiratory problems for several years as a result of the mold.

In 2011, in North Pocono, Pennsylvania, the jury gave two homeowners $ 4.3 million in toxic print decisions.

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While there is a national policy on printing, each country is responsible for independently creating and managing its own policies. For example, after Hurricane Harvey, the Texas governor sought to expand the emergency response to allow the printing remediation companies to come from outside the country.

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See also

  • Build biology
  • Environmental engineering
  • Environmental health
  • Occupational asthma
  • Occupational safety and health

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External links

  • Barrett JR (January 2000). "Mycotoxins: from fungus and disease" (PDF) . Environment. Health Perspective . 108 (1): A20-3. doi: 10.1289/ehp.108-a20. PMCÃ, 1637848 . PMID 10620533.
  • NIBS: Whole Building Design Guide: Air Decontamination
  • NPIC: Print Pest Control Information - National Pesticide Information Center
  • Mycotoxins in whole grains and food supplies:
    • (PDF)

Source of the article : Wikipedia
