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First inauguration of Andrew Jackson - Wikipedia
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The first inauguration of Andrew Jackson as the seventh President of the United States was held on Wednesday, March 4, 1829 in the United States Capitol in Washington, DC. The inauguration marked the commencement of the first four-the term of Andrew Jackson as President and second term of John C. Calhoun as Vice President. Supreme Court Justice John Marshall administered the oath of presidency. Calhoun resigned 3 years, 299 days into this term, and the office remained empty for that balance. (Prior to the ratification of the Twenty-fifth Amendment in 1967, there was no constitutional provision available to fill the vacancy of time in the vice presidential office.)

Video First inauguration of Andrew Jackson


Jackson's three-week trip from Nashville, Tennessee, to Washington, D.C., first with steamers to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and then onward with trains, marked by a large crowd welcoming the elected president.

Maps First inauguration of Andrew Jackson


The inauguration itself took place on March 4, 1829, and was the first time where the ceremony was held at East Portico of the United States Capitol. Ten thousand people arrived in the city for the ceremony, raising this response from Francis Scott Key: "This is beautiful; it is sublime!"

At 10:00 AM, the area in front of the Capitol is filled with people, and the stairs at East Portico are blocked by the ship's wires to prevent the crowd from moving forward. Crowded crowd of about 21,000 people came to see the oath, even if most can not hear the inaugural speech. Jackson came by foot to the ceremony, but to avoid the crowd, he used the basement door on the west side to enter the Capitol; after coming out to face the crowd, he bowed to cheers.

The scene was described by a witness:

I can never forget the self-appearing spectacle on each side, or the thrilling moment when the eager and hopeful eyes of the large and diverse crowds see the tall and impressive figure of the leader they admire, as he comes out among the porch columns, the color of the whole mass changed, as if by a miracle; all the hats were removed at once, and the dark colors that usually surrounded the mixed human map, such as the wand, into the bright hue of ten thousand human faces upside down and full of hope, beaming with sudden joy. The sound of screams that appeared to rent the air, and seemed to shake the ground. But when the Chief Justice took his place and began a brief ceremony of administration of the oath of office, it quickly became a comparative silence; and when the new President began to read his inaugural address, the silence gradually increased; but all the effort to hear it, beyond the short space around it is totally in vain.

When he entered, Jackson went in front of the west of the Capitol, as the crowd had damaged the ship's cable and surged forward. He went on to ride a white horse and rode Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House. At this time people are climbing in through a window to enter the White House.

jackson_inauguration - Andrew Jackson Pictures - Andrew Jackson ...
src: cdn.history.com


The White House is open to all for post-inaugural receptions, and filled by the public even before Jackson arrives on horseback. Shortly thereafter, Jackson is left by a window or side door, and proceeds to Gadsby's Hotel in Alexandria's Old City, Virginia. The crowd continued to descend into a drunken crowd, only disbanded when a drinking bowl and punch were placed on the front page of the White House. "I've never seen a mixture like that," said Joseph Story, then the Supreme Court judge: "King Mob's rule seems to win." The White House was left untidy, including several thousand dollars broken porcelain.

That evening an official official ball for the administration and high-ranking officials of Washington was held in the Chamusi Carusi Chamber, and it set the stage for a scandal to be known as Eaton's affair. Twelve hundred guests were present, but President Jackson, tired and still mourning the loss of his wife, Rachel Jackson, in December, did not. Another ball was held at Central Masonic Hall.

However, to be fair, two historians, David and Jeanne Heidler, wrote in 2004 about other contemporary accounts that downplay aspects of motion sickness in the open house. The Heidlers point out that Hamilton, a supporter of Jackson from South Carolina, called the damage from a "trivial event." The crowd in the White House mixed up. The first arrival is the people who make up the Washington community. The second crowd that appeared in the house was made up of Jackson supporters dressed in their best outfits. What happens next does not seem to be debated: The White House is not prepared for crowds as he pushes through the front door and searches for Jackson, along with food and whiskey-laced punches. Jackson finds himself pressured into a situation with his back to the wall until his men can make him move away from the crowd, and return to his hotel. The large number of people inside the White House caused a collision with furniture and food. After Jackson left, Heidlers told Antoine Michel Giusta, the steward of the White House, to move the party outside by taking a blow outside. Other reports indicate that staff are passing blows and ice cream through the White House window to the crowd outside. As for the drunken image of Jackson's drunken supporters, Heidlers believes the incident was used as a metaphor by Washington's public and enemies of Jackson, who feared the new regime and its lower-class roots.

"Most witnesses, however, mention little real damage, and newspapers report only incidental break-age.Niles' Weekly Register, in fact, only observes that Jackson has" received greetings from a large number of people, who came to congratulate him on his induction president. "The story of the cheese really happened at the end of Jackson's eight years at the office.The president was given a cheese wheel of 1,400 pounds as a gift, and it sat in the White House for several years.Finally, Jackson allowed the public to the East Room to eating cheese, which was consumed for several days in 1837. The odors lasted for days after the event.

Painting of Andrew Jackson's Rowdy Party - White House Historical ...
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See also

  • The Andrew Jackson Presidency
  • Both the inauguration of Andrew Jackson
  • United States presidential election, 1828

Andrew Jackson's Inauguration Set a Precedent
src: dailysignal.com


First inauguration of Andrew Jackson - Wikiwand
src: upload.wikimedia.org

External links

  • More documents from Library of Congress
  • Text of First Inaugural Address Jackson

Source of the article : Wikipedia
